It's been pretty busy around here this past week. On Tuesday there was an almost hour long drive to Wake Forest to get my Top Bar Beehive (TBH for short). Richard, Mollie, Erin, and I headed out so we would arrive around sunset when those worker bees would be stopping to rest for the night. The guy we got the hive from also had chickens in a chicken ark in the yard (two Ameraucanas and I forget the other kind) which was also a big hit with us.
After it was late enough and most of the bees were in the hive, Ken (bee guy) put a piece of screen in their entrance and the hive was hustled into the minivan for transport. There were a few that didn't make it back to the hive in time, but he had two others in his yard, so I'm hoping they've been assimilated by now.
We got back to my house around 9 pm and it was dark so hive set-up was quick. It still needs some leveling work and I'd much rather a wooden stand than cinder blocks, but the chicks got priority this weekend. Here's the hive right now.

Isn't it lovely? Very aesthetically pleasing, sans cinder blocks.
The big work Saturday and today was The Chicken Ark. I found plans online that I liked at
Catawba Coops for The Ark of my Chicken Dreams. Last year I wanted chickens and was thinking about building a permanent coop site, but chickens would make short work of that area and I'd like to put their frequent deposits (if you get my meaning) to better use and have less clean up in general. After seeing Ken's ark that he moves around the yard every other day or so, I was hooked on the idea.
Richard and I made a trip to our local giant box home store (hate that, but it couldn't be helped) and got everything on the materials list. The list looked pretty daunting, as did our cart at the check out! Richard has built things - patios, decks, compost bins, etc., but this was the first project that included regular use of a miter saw. How hard could it be? The visuals included in the plans were helpful and we sorted out the different dicey bits. Day one was basic framing, nest boxes, and roost.

Today was roof cap, sides, and finishing. I take full credit for the crappy handles. I am a novice with a jigsaw and without a router to take off my edges, I'm afraid "primitive" will have to do. Richard's work, on the other hand, is amazing.

The only bit left is the drawbridge style ladder for the hens to head up into the roost for the night. I scored a nice piece of wood today and it just needs ladder rungs and an install. This was a project under pressure since the girls are getting their feathers and outgrowing their hutch. I was sweeping up some of their shavings in the kitchen and all this stuff that looked like dandelion fuzz was drifting about and I realized it was all that chick fuzz they were losing. It's everywhere! Once you loose your fuzz you have to be an outdoor pullet.

This picture was taken late in the day, without the aid of much light and I apologize for that. They got to be outside for most of the construction and seemed only mildly interested in the goings on. I'm keeping an eye on the night time temps and as soon as it's 65 F - they're out!