Even though it's been cooler the past couple of days and we had some much needed rain; it's still as hot as egg on a cast iron skillet outside. We've been going over to our friends' (Mel and Angela) for some quality pool time. Their house is for sale and we'll be so sad when it finally goes! A year or so ago, they bought this amazing hard plastic ball that bounces ferociously on the ground, and if you throw it in the pool it will bounce and float. The Ultimate Game of Keep Away was invented. It's exhausting for the people in the deep end treading water (which is where at least one adult seems to get stranded for most of the game - mostly Mel, but she's tough). In games like these, it's usually the boys and Mel against everyone else. Ok, that sounds really unfair, but it's not. The boys are sporty, almost Super Sporty. Those two equal four regular people at most games (and they're only 14, just imagine how bad it's going to get!). It is very irritating. Mel is sporty herself and she adores them, so I don't complain (even though it totally tips the scale because I am equal to minus 1.5 sporty people if I'm on your team). Anyway, it's hot and we're in a pool battling for our very lives!
Richard and Mollie joined us and they were on the same team as Erin and I. The boys mostly stayed in the shallow end and bob and weave a lot (and pass very well - also very irritating) so really it's all about defense for the rest of us. Oh,and they use intimidation whenever they can. Erin resorted to hanging on their backs and trying to push them under. She's pretty light but occasionally, it worked. Mostly, we get creamed in this game. Here's Mollie with the ball and since she's not related they're not pouncing on her - definite advantage!.

Once we exhausted ourselves with that it was all about getting Abby to settle down. She spends the whole time running around the perimeter of the pool, worried we're drowning ourselves. She really has no life saving skills whatsoever, but she doesn't know that. Morgan was very sweet and shared some pool water after all her running around.

So far, summer seems pretty good for the peeps.